Bedrock Polyurea is a two-component (high-gloss) aliphatic floor sealer that exhibits excellent characteristics for abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, flexibility, weathering, and UV stability. It is available in clear and standard colors.
Auto service centers, warehouses, computer rooms, laboratories, aircraft hangers, cafeterias, exterior tanks, indoor or outdoor services and chemical exposure areas. Can be used as a binder or topcoat.
Isocyanate Resin HDI Trimer
Mix ratio 1B:2A
VOC (g/L, as supplied) 0
Dry time to touch @ normal room temperature 4-6 hours
Dry time for light traffic @ normal room temperature 24 hours
TYPICAL FINAL PROPERTIES (7 day cure time @ ambient conditions)
Persoz Hardness 198
UV Resistance (^E, QUV-A, 500 hrs) 2.2
Gloss (20 degrees) 89
Gardner Impact Resistance >160
Abrasion Resistance 40
Shore D Hardness (4 hr) 22 degrees C 10
Shore D Hardness (1 week) 22 degrees C >70
Tensile Strength (psi) 3000
Elongation @ Beak (%) 25
Die C Tear Strength (ibf/in) 591
Glass Transition Temp %40 degrees 40
Taber Abrasion (mg loss)
1000 Cycles CS17 wheel 40
Ultimate Elongation 25%
QUV-A (500 hrs) 2.2
RECOMMENDED PRIMER: 100% Solids or water based Epoxy Primer
TOPCOAT: None recommended